Keep Christmas tree fresh: 13 tips for a fresh tree
Best tips from the Christmas tree dealer
The Christmas tree belongs to Christmas like Santa Claus and the anticipation of gifts. Year after year, it may shine in the trendy colors or be decorated in a classic way.
We show you simple tips and measures on how you can keep the Christmas tree fresh until Christmas and beyond.
Regardless of which variant you prefer, the Christmas tree should still look fresh for several days longer.
It should not lose needles and preferably remain in shape after Christmas until after New Year's Eve.
Already at the time of purchase pay attention to the freshness
Already when buying the Christmas tree, make sure that it is in good shape.
If the tree has been freshly cut, then it will stay fresh longer in its new environment.
You can brush over the branches and needle coat at the dealer. Is the tree already losing needles there and does it look dry and weak overall? Then you should choose another tree.
The fresher the tree is when you buy it, the longer it will keep. That's why it's worth taking a closer look and opting for a fresh specimen.
13 Tips to extend the shelf life of the Christmas tree.
Did you choose a long-lasting specimen that was freshly cut? Then a lot has already been done right.
However, there are a few additional tips and measures with which the Christmas tree will remain as long as possible attractive after Christmas Eve.
1. check the interface before buying
Often you can tell how freshly the Christmas tree was cut before you buy it. If the cut of the tree is still light, it has been cut recently. You can also ask the Christmas tree seller directly if you are not sure. With a fresh fir and proper care, you can keep the tree fresh until Christmas.
2. store the Christmas tree properly
It is best to buy the tree as fresh as possible and then put it up directly. If this is not possible, because it has to be stored for a few days, it depends on the right storage.
It is best to store the tree in a cool, wind-protected and dry place and remove the netting beforehand. Whether the cellar or the garage are suitable for this depends on the individual conditions on site.
4. think about the water supply
For the fir tree to stay fresh for a long time, it needs water. This is true even if you have to store it for a few days. To do this, you can put the Christmas tree in a bucket with a little water. When you have put up the Christmas tree, you can water it regularly. This will keep the tree fresh for as long as possible.
How much water does a Christmas tree need?
Of course, the first point of reference is that a large tree requires more water than a small specimen. In addition, how much water is needed depends before the variety. As a rule of thumb, a Christmas tree of two meters requires about 2 liters of water per day.
If you follow this, it will last a particularly long time and will remain beautiful over the holidays. In principle, of course, it is worthwhile to proceed carefully here and water the tree sufficiently so that it does not dry and lose needles.
5. cut the trunk freshly before placing it on the tree
Before setting up the tree, the trunk can be cut again. This may be necessary in order to secure the tree in the Christmas tree stand. But even if it can be clamped in the stand without cutting, you can cut it again slightly. The fresh cut surface allows the tree to absorb water better.
6. avoid strong temperature fluctuations.
After a few days of storage in a cool place, the tree will probably be placed in the living room. Remember not to turn up the room temperature right away. Go slowly to allow your tree to adjust to the higher temperature.
7. the heater is a bad place to stand
Of course, the tree should have a place of honor in the living room. Do not place it near the heater. It is too warm there, and the heat removes moisture - the best condition for your tree to needle faster in the apartment.
8. choose a tree stand with a water tank.
In the past, you still had to water your tree yourself over the holidays. With a modern tree stand, you won't have to. Choose a tree stand that makes it easy for you to water the tree or a stand with a built in tank. This will allow you to maintain a continuous water supply, keeping your tree fresh longer.
9. clear water is best
Occasionally you hear that you should add additives such as sugar, glycerin or freshener to the water. However, your tree may turn brown faster as a result. It is best to avoid such additives and water it only with fresh water.
10. the branches like it moist
Not only the tree trunk needs water. To keep the tree looking good for longer, spray the branches with a little water once a day. This way, the Christmas tree will stay green longer.
11. choose the right tree decoration
In principle, you can decorate the tree the way your family likes it best. However, there are a few things that shorten the shelf life. These include artificial snow spray, open candles or hot fairy lights.
While the spray looks pretty, it seals the needles and thus stops the tree from breathing naturally. Also, the water can no longer reach the needles when spraying. Therefore, it is better to avoid such tree decorations.
12. better to keep a little cooler
It's probably hard to keep the living room cool on Christmas Eve so that the tree stays fresh for a long time. However, it is actually better for the shelf life if the tree is not so warm.
It's best to turn down the temperature in the room as much as the other family members will still tolerate. Also with this tip you can keep the Christmas tree fresh for a long time.
So there are a number of tips and tricks to keep the Christmas tree fresh and in a respectable condition over the holidays and into the New Year. This way, the whole family can enjoy a beautiful tree that will still be a visual highlight after the Christmas holidays.